Current display Tag: cryptography

Steganography III

What if a piece of art is defined by the artistic gesture? Can we still create art when we lost privacy?
What happen in an artist can’t decide when and with whom to share? Where and who decides when it isn’t a draft?


This picture is a steganography: it contains a hidden the message that justifies and explain the picture.

Each have two versions/prices:

  • the signed print( canvas 120X80)
  • with the digital orginal that has the message steganographed and the password needed to decypher it.

What is the price of a piece without its meaning? What if the artist wants to keep it private?
What is your price of lost privacy?

Golden curve

Elliptic curves are a mathematical functions used in cryptography for encryption and digital signatures.
Golden Curve

This is a visual representation of the elliptic curve y^3= x^3+2207*x^2+x over a finite field P=3571.

That formula (with different constants) is already used for real world encryption (Curve25519).

This creation uses a new set of two prime numbers 2207 and 3571. I chose them because their ratio is a good approximation of the golden ration.


Clarify what is the piece: the formula, the code to generate the painting, the canvas
I claim copyright on that formula with these constants (I know, silly ;)