
In 2013, Snowden, who worked for the NSA the USA spy agency leaked more than 9000 documents revealing the extend of how much every citizen are spied upon. Since then, we know that NSA’s goal has been and remains to spy on every electronic communication, what email was sent, to whom, what was published on facebook…

Dear visitor, even if you think you don’t have anything to hide, you should be concerned, because someone else will legitimately need their privacy. Our duty as a free society is to protect free speech and protect our privacy.

“Real science studies and makes accessible that knowledge which people at that period of history think important, and real art transfers this truth from the domain of knowledge to the domain of feelings.”
Leo Tolstoy

In this exhibition, I’m exploring what is the impact of (the lost of) privacy on creation. As an artist, I have a need to hide my work in progress until I think it’s ready. I want to be able to share my drafts with some friends to get feedback and bounce ideas… but to share these to these friends only.

The story around a piece of art is framing it, it is the keystone of the piece. As a creator, I need to be able to decide when I tell that story, and which story I want to tell. I want to control until when a piece is a draft and when I decide to present it.

Creation needs privacy.

This exhibition is hopefully also going to challenge you, try to highlight how much your smartphone is sharing about your private life and see if you are still thinking you don’t have anything to hide.